Counselor Mental Health
Mental Health Students, if you are experiencing a mental health crisis or are concerned about a friend, please seek assistance from me right away. I am here to help! Parents, if you have . . .
Counselor Resources
Counseling Resources Clarendon CISD School Services TCHATT Texas Tech Health Sciences Contact Mrs. Shaw for Referral 806.310.7760 . . .
Counselor-CCMR Elementary
Elementary College, Career, & Military Readiness Oftentimes as parents we believe that it is too early to speak to our children about the next steps. However, we challenge you to invest in . . .
Mrs. Shaw
Welcome to Mrs. Shaw’s Counselor’s Corner Just a little about me… This is my 18 th year in education & 1 st Year as a Bronco!! I have been a school counselor for the past 8 years, . . .
CISD K-7 Counselor
Clarendon K-7 Counselor Erin Shaw, Counselor P. O. Box 610, Clarendon, TX 79226 806.310.1138